Sisterhood Sanctuary: Exploring the Transformative Power of Women's Circles with nicole Ely-Joshi Photography in calgary, AB

Having a women's circle like True-to-You Sisterhood of Calgary & Beyond can be important for several reasons:

  1. Support and Empowerment: Women's circles provide a safe and supportive space where women in Calgary & beyond can come together to share their experiences, challenges, and successes. This environment fosters empowerment, as women can uplift and encourage each other which helps everyone involved thrive.

  2. Community and Connection: True-to-You Sisterhood offers a sense of community and belonging. They allow women to connect with others who may share similar experiences, interests, or goals, fostering friendships and support networks. Authentic connection is our goal within the group, despite interaction is amongst social channels. Allowing everyone to feel included, and not alone on their path. Connection is key.

  3. Validation and Understanding: Within a women's circle, we can feel validated and understood. They can discuss topics that may be specific to their experiences as women, such as issues related to gender, relationships, motherhood, career, and self-care. Again, that authentic connection validates everyone that whatever happens, someone else has likely experienced it, can empathize, or if not, at least provide a listening ear.

  4. Personal Growth: Women's circles often provide opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. Through sharing stories, engaging in reflective practices, and receiving feedback from others, women can gain new insights into themselves and their lives.

  5. Healing and Transformation: True-to-You Sisterhood can be a space for healing and transformation. By sharing stories and emotions in a supportive environment, women can find healing from past traumas, gain clarity about their lives, and embark on journeys of personal transformation.

  6. Spirituality and Ritual: Many women's circles incorporate elements of spirituality and ritual, drawing on practices from various cultural and religious traditions. These rituals can provide a sense of connection to something greater than oneself and offer opportunities for contemplation, meditation, and personal growth.

Overall, women's circles such as True-to-You Sisterhood of Calgary & Beyond can play a valuable role in the lives of women by providing a space for support, connection, growth, and healing in a world that often overlooks or undervalues women's experiences and perspectives.

Don’t have FOMO! Be sure to join us on any of the links above. Look forward to seeing you in the group and getting to know you better. Be well, Xo Nicole


Loving Your Body & Quitting the Comparison Game with Nicole Ely-joshi: a Boudoir Photographer in Calgary


Celebrating International Women's Day in calgary, alberta: The Power of boudoir & portrait photography w/ Nicole ely-joshi photography