
Nicole Ely-Joshi


hello! i’m thankful that you’re here.

Nicole Ely-Joshi Photography was born from my desire to empower, inspire and honour everyone I photograph to reconnect with their loved ones, and most importantly their authentic selves.

I strive to allow everyone to feel safe and free from judgment, and to remind you that you are enough; And that your story deserves to be recognized, told and graciously documented.

Nicole Ely-Joshi's Photography's mission is bigger than just me. We have aligned because you are ready to reconnect with yourself, realize your beauty and radiate your inner-magnificence by being reminded of your resplendency. Grant me the pleasure of re-introducing it to you.

Through our collaborative effort, be ready for a brilliantly authentic luxe photographic experience that is tons of fun and soul-freeing. My desire is to share my heart-felt energy by creating photographic opportunities, experiences and artwork just for you.

Located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, I specialize in Boudoir, Couples, Lifestyle, and Creative photography.

Though I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Education, Severe Special Needs and French Literature, and pursued Masters studies in Education, Severe Special Needs, NeuroPsychology and Brain Trauma, my first love, Photography, ultimately won. Upon moving to Calgary from Denver via Rochester, Boston, and Taichung, Taiwan, I completed a Photography Certificate at SAIT.  However, most of what I’ve learned about photography, and my distinct style, was inherited via osmosis from my professional photographer parents back in the day.  

I am constantly honing my craft through expert learning opportunities, be it through classes, workshops, or approaching those in the field amongst whom I strive to be recognized as their peer in their circle of brilliancy.

Wife, to my true love of 20+ years, Momma to my 2 littles, who are no longer so little, but will always be my babies, lover of walks in nature, music of most genres, and time with f(r)amily, a true water being (I can sit and play in water for hours upon hours), working out, and big belly-felt laughter.

I am looking forward to connecting with you.

You, my friend, are magic just waiting to happen.

Xoxo Nicole


 “…People will forget what you said…[and] what you did…, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou